

Where do you find your romance novels?

With limited exceptions, I get them through Amazon. I read them mostly on my Kindle, and the only reason I have so many is that they're free. I also have a few that I got at a library book sale for 25 cents apiece, none of which I've reviewed so far on this blog.

Why romance novels?

See this post.

Do you actually like any of the romance novels you read?

I do, actually. Several of them have been...I hesitate to say "good", but enjoyable.

How many romance novels do you read at a given time?

I only read them one at a time, generally, but I usually have upwards of 80 on my Kindle at a time.

Why don't you write about all of them?

There are several reasons. Some I don't review because I'm rather indifferent to them, some because they're fairly basic, and some because I do actually like them and would therefore have trouble making fun of them. I try to save this blog for romance novels that are actively ridiculous, because it's more entertaining to read about something silly.

What's your favorite genre of romance novel?

I will admit a preference for historicals, mostly because they are the closest to my favorite genre of regular literature, fantasy. I've also found that modern-day romances, at least the type I have, are either absolutely ludicrous or wonderfully adorable.